Hello!!! If you know me or have had me as a teacher before you know that I love riddles. They are fun and educational at the same time. Today I shared my favorite riddle with my 6
th grade class: What can you put in a barrel to make it lighter??? A Hole!!!
Garrett gave me a riddle challenge: What gets wetter the more it dries??? A Towel!!! I met the challenge because I was able to come up with the answer. So then he challenged me again: What goes up but never leaves the ground??? I still have not come up with the answer.
hmmmClass.....This is my next riddle for you:
Give me food and I will live; give me water and I will die. What am I???
Excellent job Matthew!! He said that the answer is fire and he was correct!
~Miss Warren~
Well I have been challenged again with a riddle. This time it was by Matthew. He asks: How can you have 10 trees, in 5 rows with 4 trees in a row?? My solution, though I don't know it its correct yet: You have the trees in a star shape. At a point or an intersection of the lines is a tree. Correct??!!
Dear Students,
I am so excited to hear that so many of you are viewing our class blog. If you have any ideas of things that we can add please let me know. I have another riddle challenge for you: What can you catch, but not throw?
Miss Warren
Excellent job Emilie!! The answer that she told me is correct: A cold!!
New riddle as of 9/15/2008 = What goes around the world but always stays in a corner?
* 9/21/08 no one has figured out the answer yet....keep trying ;)
We finally have the answer!! .... A Stamp!! ;) 9/26/2008
ashley said...
umm. a red house is made with red bricks.blue with blue bricks.orange with orange bricks. and yellow with yellow bricks.what is a greenhouse made with?
hmmm.... great riddle Ashley...I'm going to have to think about it for a while.... 9:11 pm 9/26..... I've got it!! 9/29 7:17 pm GLASS!
10-8-2008 New Riddle!!A cowboy rides into town on Friday, he leaves 3 days later on Friday.How did he do it?
10-13-2008....Nice work Emilie.....she answered correctly = the horse is named Friday!
10-10-2008 New Riddles!!
A farmer and his two hired helpers are carrying things back to the barn.
The farmer carry's one sack of grain and the hired helpers carry two sacks.
Who's is the heaviest and why?
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour? Nice work Matty - He was correct when he said, "the letter m!"
ashley said...
ok i am slimey and gross i can grow up to be at least 10 inches i can and can not have spots i have to live with my slime and i live in the wild.A Banana Slug!!!!????? yeah :)